programming is evolving and so are the languages that are used to develop software and
applications. Different programming languages are used for different categories of developers.
Some languages are best for beginners, while others are more suited for advanced computer
programmers. In addition, some languages are best for different use cases such as web apps,
mobile apps and distributed systems.
The best way to determine what programming languages to learn is to know what skills you will
need in order to be a successful computer programmer.
Popular and important computer programming languages based on necessity and application include:
Each of these language ranges in usability and ease of learning. Python is considered the best
beginner programming language. It is easy to learn and to deploy. Java has been a popular
language for many decades. It is the official language for Android apps. C and C++ are
considered the foundational languages for many operating systems and file systems. JavaScript is
popular for front end developers because it helps make applications look clean and clear for the
user. Swift is a native iOS language and has been growing in popularity as Mac and Apple
products become industry favorites.
If you are ready to learn computer programming and many different coding languages that can help
you create applications and software, join us at Grand Canyon University for the Bachelor of
Science in Computer Programming degree program.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources
cited were accurate as of the publish date.
#Computer Programming